About The Council’s Board of Directors
Individuals who, in the opinion of the Nominating Committee, have demonstrated outstanding leadership and support of The Council may be placed in nomination to serve a three-year term as a member of the Board of Directors.
Please note that our intention is to create a pipeline of engaged members to help advise The Council’s Board of Directors on the association’s strategy. Depending on the term limits of current Directors, there may not be an immediate seat available. However, we do add new Board members annually.
The Ideal Candidate
The primary criteria that are considered by the Nominating Committee when evaluating a proposed nominee include:
- High moral and ethical standards
- Level of participation in Council committees, programs and activities
- Dedication to The Council and its goals
- Meeting minimum size membership requirement of $10 million in revenue
- Leadership and management experience
- Respect of industry peers
- Breadth of industry contacts and communication skills
- Time commitment to The Council
- Licensed as an agent/broker in good standing
Responsibilities Overview
Directors must attend three Board meetings each year and serve on one of three standing Board committees. Board meetings are held during the following annual events:
- Legislative Summit (February, Washington, D.C.)
- Midyear Board Meeting & Strategic Work Session (Late April/early May, location at Board Chair discretion)
- Insurance Leadership Forum (October, Colorado Springs, CO)
Requirements of a Sponsoring Member
A sponsoring member (the individual submitting this form) may propose only one nominee for the Board of Directors per year and must represent a member firm in good standing with The Council.