Health data systems cannot talk to each other, and it’s a problem.
Health data systems cannot talk to each other, and it’s a problem.
August 15, 2019 The Council joined over 60 other employer groups on a letter to all Members of Congress urging them to pass the Lower Health Care Costs Act, which
August 15, 2019 Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) is a new industry buzzword, but it’s also a concept that’s existed for decades. Now it’s making its way into policy agenda
July 18, 2019 President Trump announced the administration’s intention to release an executive order based on a “favored nations” clause. This approach suggests the U.S. would pay for pharmaceuticals at
July 18, 2019 The Council recently expressed strong support for the Lower Health Care Costs Act, which confronts some of the biggest obstacles to bringing costs down in the healthcare
July 18, 2019 The House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Subcommittee on Health recently marked up and voted in favor of drug transparency and surprise billing legislation. No Surprises Act (H.R.
July 18, 2019 The Trump administration announced it will not pursue its proposal to eliminate prescription drug rebates from government-facilitated health plans. While once touted as a critical step in
July 18, 2019 The Council has long supported efforts to repeal the Cadillac Tax, and now lawmakers are primed to do just that. The House passed a bill to repeal
June 20, 2019 Our legal team at Steptoe & Johnson tracks healthcare reform bills in the 116th Congress. These documents are updated as of June 14. Federal Healthcare Reform Tracker.
June 20, 2019 The Committee on Ways and Means held a hearing on Wednesday, June 12, digging into universal healthcare coverage. The intent of the hearing was to understand the