With the average cost of a data breach increasing by about 23 percent over the past two years, according to an IBM sponsored study conducted by Ponemon Institute out of
Since its certification in March, participation in the Cyber Information Sharing Act (CISA) has been going slow, DHS officials say. This new law, which encourages reciprocal sharing of cybersecurity data
Although insurance companies continue to struggle accurately gauging organizations’ cyber risks, primarily due to a lack of actuarial data and risk aggregation, experts claim that cybersecurity rates for most sectors
Congress raised concerns last week regarding the Obama administration’s tendency to avoid assertive action against foreign hackers, claiming the White House has failed to protect the country from large-scale cyber-attacks.
Current and former law enforcement officials met at the 4th annual cybersecurity conference at Georgetown University last Thursday to discuss the private sector’s increasing vulnerability to cyber-attacks and foreign cybercriminals.
Between 2011 and 2015, the U.S. Federal Reserve detected more than 50 cyber breaches in its computer systems, Reuters reported. Of these breaches, several were described internally as “espionage,” coming
For the insurance industry, the field of cybersecurity has very little actuarial data with which they can write their policies, especially when it comes to estimating the physical impacts of
What can only be described as a Trojan Horse is awaiting many businesses around the world in this day and age. Something that at first can seem completely innocent, it
Cyber Security research firm Symantic has recently released a statement warning that there have been breaches on several Asian banks that can be linked to North Korea. These heists, which
On Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, we attended the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Cybersecurity Task Force Interim Meeting in Washington, D.C. The meeting focused on the current draft