According to a report from Barclays and the Institute of Directors, many businesses do not take cyber security seriously enough and are only reporting about a third of cyber-attacks. This
An organization’s brand, reputation and general operations are greatly impacted by a cyber-attack, thus there is a need to formulate a response, which consists of insurance for goods, intellectual property
The joint venture by Capita and the UK Government found that within cybersecurity, employee error is thought to be the highest cause of data breaches. AXELOS, which aims to highlight
As problematic as the Ransomware virus has been recently, things could be getting worse soon due to the first discovered case of the malware targeting an Apple operating system. The
Since the passing of the Cyber Security Information Act of 2015, the Department of Health and Human Services has begun building a Healthcare Industry Cybersecurity Task Force. This Task Force
Last week was a busy week on the cyber front. We saw Apple and the FBI square off during the House Judiciary Committee’s Encryption Tightrope: Balancing American’s Security and Privacy
While the number of companies both purchasing and interested in purchasing cyber insurance is dramatically increasing, the cost of cyber insurance premiums have also skyrocketed due to recent, high profile
While the concept of phishing emails has been around for decades, the practice has evolved from a basic to a complex and time consuming investigative approach. Today, cybercriminals will seek
A recent PwC survey suggests cybercriminals are targeting U.S. corporations at a far greater rate compared to the rest of the world. While 54 percent of U.S. companies experienced some
The Pentagon has invited hackers to test its cyber security defenses in a new program its calling “Hack the Pentagon.” The program is not inviting hackers at large, and is