According to National Grid Plc CEO Steve Holliday, the UK electrical grid provider, which also operates power networks in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New York, is continuously fending off “huge amounts”
The European Union’s highest court struck down its agreement with the United States which allows companies to transfer personal digital information between the EU and U.S.
Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance (BHSI) recently announced a number of new additions to their Executive & Professional Lines team in the U.S., including Danielle Librizzi, senior vice president, Head of Professional Liability.
Breaches on breaches: The American Bankers Association recently reported that they suffered a data breach that compromised thousands of the trade association’s member information. Experian announced that a server containing
Last September’s Home Depot data breach is proving to be the perfect case study on how costs associated with cyber risk can quickly balloon out of control.
Chatham House reports that the energy sector, nuclear plants in particular, are highly vulnerable to and lack adequate preparation for cyber threats.
An official from the Department of Homeland Security’s National Protection and Programs Directorate highlighted the progress in awareness of risk and preparation for cyberattacks, while pointing out that much growth
A recent study on cyber claims losses and payouts by NetDiligence, a cyber threat risk assessor, observed several trends in financial losses suffered by companies due to cyberattacks. The annual
A panel hosted by Business Insurance at the 2015 Cyber Risk Summit hosted in San Francisco, CA shed light on the success of cyber coverage, particularly in the small organization market.
Senate leadership is returning focus to cyber security legislation this October. The temporary measures passed to keep the government operating have opened the Senate floor to finally address mounting security