Even with large scale data breaches making headline news across the country, insurance and legal experts say that “too many companies remain ignorant of the risk.”
Even with large scale data breaches making headline news across the country, insurance and legal experts say that “too many companies remain ignorant of the risk.”
A Chicago appeals court has resurrected the Neiman Marcus data breach case that was dismissed a year ago.
Markel UK has now begun to offer cyber risk coverage to their customers, designed to integrate “both cyber liability and first party covers, for data protection, cyber risks and network
In Deloitte’s Q2 2015 CFO Signals Survey, the company found that only 10% of 101 CFOs surveyed claimed to be well-prepared in the event of a cyberattack.
A recent survey done by PwC shows that, of all the concerns Ireland’s insurance companies currently have, they consider cyber risks to be the most critical.
After a growing number of cyberattacks on huge corporations such as Target, Sony, and JP Morgan, people are getting frustrated. Hackers are continuing to find ways around strengthened defenses, and
The other week, we witnessed the New York Stock Exchange crash for three hours and United Airlines network come off line both in the same day. People thought the cyber apocalypse
A U.S. federal court in Los Angeles has dismissed the Columbia Casualty Co. v. Cottage Health System case, in what is being viewed as win for policyholders.
Tom Finan, senior cybersecurity strategist and counsel at the Department of Homeland Security, recently announced that there will be a new Cybersecurity Insurance website.
The dating site Ashley Madison, which caters to married people looking to cheat on their significant others, recently reported an “intrusion” into their network, but didn’t go into more detail. Out