Council Foundation Logo Leaders Edge
Medicare for All? (Leader’s Edge)
Newsletter | Apr. 25, 2018

April 25, 2018 One of the fundamental, but not expressly discussed, debates driving our health policy discussions in the United States is this: should the objective be that everyone has

Cybering Up for Your Safety (Leader’s Edge)
Newsletter | Apr. 5, 2018

April 5, 2018 After a number of significant cyber attacks last year, many organizations are looking for ways to make 2018 a “cyber secure” year. But coming up with a

Bon Appétit!: Cyber Regs Are a Mouthful (Leader’s Edge)
Newsletter | Apr. 5, 2018

April 5, 2018 Business and trade associations have long argued that companies can manage their cyber-security programs without government interference. Those groups seem perilously close to losing the argument. Read

The Council Attends DC Blockchain Summit
Newsletter | Apr. 5, 2018

The Council had the opportunity to attend the annual DC Blockchain Summit, hosted by the Chamber of Digital Commerce. While it is clear blockchain remains in its infancy, especially for commercial uses, the technology has the potential to increase transparency, cut costs and streamline inefficiencies along the insurance value chain.

NFIP, the Omnibus, Cyber and more
Newsletter | Apr. 2, 2018

The NFIP gets rolled into the omnibus, the ACA tracker has been updated, STLDI is redefined, cyber news, and more.

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