Council Foundation Logo Leaders Edge
New Efforts to Prop up the ACA
Newsletter | Sep. 27, 2017

The consensus remains that the battle to repeal and replace the ACA is far from over, but is reaching a bipartisan healthcare compromise at all realistic in this environment?

Insurtech: Where to Begin?
Newsletter | Sep. 21, 2017

September 21, 2017 As the insurance technology space continues to boom, changing the dynamics of the industry and remodeling the traditional composition of the value chain, brokers need to evaluate where

ACA Deadline Looms
Newsletter | Sep. 20, 2017

Senate Majority Leader McConnell announced that the Senate will vote next week on Republican Sens. Cassidy and Graham’s repeal and replace legislation.

Update on Equifax
Newsletter | Sep. 14, 2017

September 14, 2017 By now, we’re all familiar with the Equifax data breach, which resulted in compromised personal information of nearly half the country, or 143 million Americans. Due to

Wanted: More Data in Cyber Insurance
Newsletter | Sep. 14, 2017

Despite consistent growth in the cyber insurance industry over the last two years, the industry faces a key underwriting obstacle that could potentially limit growth in the market: data.

Single-Payer, GOP Healthcare Proposals Released
Newsletter | Sep. 13, 2017

Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced his “Medicare for All” legislation, while Sens. Bill Cassidy and Lindsay Graham released what might be the Senate’s last effort to repeal & replace the ACA.

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