By Vladimir Gololobov, Director, International I always value an opportunity to reconnect with members at industry events, and I was honored to address the Renomia European Partners Conference last month
By Vladimir Gololobov, Director, International I always value an opportunity to reconnect with members at industry events, and I was honored to address the Renomia European Partners Conference last month
Fishing for Votes over Easter Recess Congress went home this week for a two week Easter recess, just weeks after pulling the American Health Care Act from the House floor
April 6, 2017 A recently introduced cybersecurity bill, the Main Street Cybersecurity Act, has made its way through the Senate Commerce Committee. The legislation aims to broaden the resources available
How Are You Tackling Diversity? By Jenn Urso, Vice President, Strategic Resources The tech industry has been a driving force in bringing diversity issues to the forefront of the business conversation.
Trumpcare Zombie In what’s becoming known as the “Trumpcare Zombie,” all of the conversations on Capitol Hill continue about how Republicans can hit the reset button and still pass a
March 24, 2017 The European Union’s Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU’s most high-profile cyber regulation to date, goes into effect May 25, 2018, and is intended to bring
The European Union’s Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the EU’s most high-profile cyber regulation to date, goes into effect May 25, 2018, and is intended to bring a greater degree of data protection harmonization across EU nations.
Walking the Tightrope on Trumpcare The American Health Care Act (AHCA), now better known as Trumpcare, is in the House Rules Committee today before tomorrow night’s pivotal House vote. The
Time Management is Life Management By Elizabeth McDaid, SVP, Leadership & Management Resources Despite what the song tells us, time may not be on your side. As one of our most
Millions to Lose Coverage Under Trumpcare, Says CBO Earlier this week, the Congressional Budget Office announced that an estimated 24 million Americans would lose their healthcare coverage under Trumpcare. The