Council Foundation Logo Leaders Edge
Cyberterrorism a Major Concern for U.S. Businesses
Newsletter | Aug. 18, 2016

While U.S. businesses have certainly increased focus on preventing and responding to on premise terrorist attacks, they may be unknowingly leaving themselves vulnerable to cyberterrorism. According to The Global Risks

Democratic Donor is Latest Victim of Document Hack
Newsletter | Aug. 18, 2016

Last weekend, cybercriminals with supposed Russian ties publicly released 2,000 documents relating to billionaire Democratic donor George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, according to a recent article from The

Group Claims to Have NSA Hacking Tools for Sale
Newsletter | Aug. 18, 2016

A previously unfamiliar group of hackers calling themselves the “Shadow Brokers” claim to have hacked and accessed a “full state sponsor tool set” of cyber-attack codes from cyber spies believed

Encrypting PHI for HIPAA Compliance
Newsletter | Aug. 18, 2016

While the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) established many requirements for health providers under HIPAA, certain measures are rather unclear regarding how they are to be implemented. Encryption

SMS-based Authentication has Risks, Experts Say
Newsletter | Aug. 18, 2016

With firms turning to two-factor authentication as a means of protecting their network, financial institutions and other cautious industries have adopted SMS-based notifications to comply with the two-factor authentication protocols.

Reporting Cyber Threat Indicators
Newsletter | Aug. 12, 2016

Last week, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce held an event discussing the recent Presidential Policy Directive 41 (PPD-41), aimed at helping the federal government coordinate with the private sector when

Doing the Math on Cyber Risk
Newsletter | Aug. 12, 2016

The growing demand for cyber insurance has sparked a discussion about how cyber risk exposure can be better quantified to help price cyber insurance and guide insureds on what type

Oracle’s Micros Payments Unit Breached by Cyber Hackers
Newsletter | Aug. 12, 2016

Software giant Oracle Corp. was recently breached by an organized Russian hacking group. The cybercriminals targeted Oracle’s MICROS point-of-sale credit card software forcing users to reset their passwords. After discovering

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