A recent poll of security pros show that more than three-quarters (76 percent) of IT professionals believe they have a “moral responsibility to share threat intelligence.” While 56 percent of respondents suggested that they only share this information among peers and internally (46 percent), these numbers certainly mark progress as the security industry has been “extremely secretive” in the past. Javvad Malik, security advocate at AlienValut, further explains that it’s “very encouraging to see that more people are utilizing different sources and are willing to more openly share threat intelligence.” Although DHS claims that organizations have been extremely slow to adopt their Automated Indicator Sharing program, which shares cyber threat indicators in real time with the government and the private sector, it is a good sign that security pros are choosing to share this information with each other.
In fact, 96 percent of respondents said to use cyber threat intelligence in some way, proving that it has become a “critical aspect” of cybersecurity. Some key threat intelligence sources IT pros rely on include their own detection processes, peers, paid subscription services, government agencies, open source communities and blogs/online forums, according to a recent SCMagazine article.