September 20, 2017
Senate to Vote Next Week on Cassidy-Graham Repeal & Replace Proposal
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) announced this afternoon that the Senate will vote next week on Republican Sens. Bill Cassidy and Lindsey Graham’s repeal and replace legislation, which was released last week. The Senate faces a September 30 deadline to use reconciliation.
The legislation would block grant ACA funding to the states and would allow significant flexibility for states to adjust ACA regulations. According to reports, the sponsors behind the GOP bill haven’t indicated that they oppose a single-payer plan from states.
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Annual Kaiser Report Details Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance
The employer-sponsored healthcare market—roughly 151 million strong—is “very stable,” says Kaiser Family Foundation President and CEO Drew Altman, discussing yesterday’s release of the Kaiser Family Foundation/Health Research & Educational Trust 2017 Employer Health Benefits Survey.
The report found a three percent rise (to $18,764) in average family premiums this year, continuing a six-year run of relatively modest increases. The report also highlights the fact that workers in small firms on average pay more for family coverage than those in large firms.
While PPOs continue to be the most common plan type, enrollment in PPOs has fallen by eight percentage points over the last five years while enrollment in high-deductible plans with a savings option (HDHP/SO) has increased by nine percentage points. Six percent of firms offering an HDHP/SO offer only an HDHP/SO to at least some of their workers.
ACA Legislation Tracker & Comparison Chart
Click here for a revamped version of our ACA Reform Legislation Tracker, produced by our legal team at Steptoe & Johnson.
Click here for a high-level one-page comparison of primary the major repeals and replace proposals.
These documents reflect changes as of September 20, 2017.
Joel Wood, SVP, Government Affairs
Ryan, White House Reject Bipartisan Health Fix
Joel Kopperud, VP, Government Affairs
Under Latest Healthcare Bill, Red States Would Benefit Disproportionately
The Washington Post
Sandy Laycox, Associate Managing Editor, Leader’s Edge
Reference Pricing Changes the ‘Choice of Architecture’ of Healthcare for Consumers
UC Berkeley Health Affairs Magazine
Mike Kanick, Digital Strategist
GOP Senator Wants to Block States from Setting Up Single-Payer Systems
Washington Examiner