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August 23, 2017

Business Groups Send Policy Recommendations to Congress

A group of business organizations sent this letter to Congress last week outlining bipartisan policy recommendations that are important to the stability of the individual market. These recommendations are consistent with our own board-passed position about stabilization of the individual market, and are integral to ensuring the future of affordable employer-provided health care benefits.

The letter also includes a number of other policy recommendations that The Council has identified as priorities:

  • Repeal the “Cadillac Tax on employer-sponsored health plans and refrain from imposing any new taxes on employee health care benefits.
  • Continue funding for cost-sharing reduction payments to improve affordability in the individual market.
  • Enable employers to innovate with Health Savings Accounts.

The Council continues to meet with congressional offices, including through the Alliance to Fight the 40, a diverse coalition advocating for the full repeal of the Cadillac Tax and rejection of proposals to eliminate or cap the employee health care tax exclusion.

We will continue to keep you apprised of developments as Congress returns to work after Labor Day.


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