The Clarity on Repeal is Ripening…or is it? by Joel Kopperud, VP, Government Affairs The best line we’ve heard from one of the most influential health staffers in the Senate
Reconciliation: How It Works & What to Expect The new Congress and Administration is poised to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, but there are just as many questions

On Friday, the IRS extended the due date for certain 2016 ACA information-reporting requirements for insurers, self-insuring employers and certain other providers of minimum essential coverage by issuing Notice 2016-70.
What Our Issues Look Like Under a Trump Administration by The Council’s Government Affairs Team The ACA as we know it will go away but what it will be replaced

The Council’s breakdown of last night’s election results.
The Internal Revenue Service extended the due dates yesterday for 2015 ACA information reporting by insurers and self-insured employers.
Repealing the 40% excise tax on “generous” employer sponsored health insurance plans is The Council’s top legislative priority, and we’re now asking for your help
The Council’s counsel at Steptoe & Johnson LLP outlined the specifics of the reporting requirements in this 60 minute webinar.