Updates from our Government Affairs team on Drug Prices, the Tax Bill, NFIP, and more. Plus deep dives into topics like Insurtech hype and CAT Modeling.

Another busy week for our dynamic government affairs duo, with lots of press given to the Senate GOP’s tax bill, which now includes a repeal of the ACA’s individual mandate.
In what could be a sign of what’s to come in 2018—that the direction of the country is more toward embrace of the ACA, than rejection—Maine expanded Medicaid at the polls while Virginia Democrats made huge gains in the state house.
Another day, another proposal aimed at repealing the Affordable Care Act. Our Government Affairs duo, Joel Wood and Joel Kopperud, tackle the latest news out of Washington, D.C.

On Monday, President Trump said Obamacare was dead. On Tuesday, he endorsed legislation to fund the ACA’s cost-sharing subsidies for two years. Wednesday, he backed off on that support.
David Eslick is our new chairman, President Donald Trump signed an executive order Expanding Association Health Plans, STLDI, and HRAs, we had a Blockchain Q&A with The Institutes, and more.

President Trump signed an executive order intended to allow individuals and small businesses to buy health insurance across state lines and bolster access to association health plans.
New members ahead of ILF, InsurTech news, Proposed revamps to FIO, and more in your bi-weekly update from The Council.
The consensus remains that the battle to repeal and replace the ACA is far from over, but is reaching a bipartisan healthcare compromise at all realistic in this environment?
Senate Majority Leader McConnell announced that the Senate will vote next week on Republican Sens. Cassidy and Graham’s repeal and replace legislation.