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Cybersecurity: What’s Ahead in 2016
Cyber | Jan. 8, 2016

In the advent of the new year, it is important to both reflect on the previous year and discuss what’s ahead in 2016. For starters, 2015 was a landmark year when it came to cybersecurity. U.S.

Cyber Attack Survival Checklist
Cyber | Jan. 8, 2016

Crowdstrike, a recent cybersecurity startup, has released a whitepaper that “provides a hands-on guide to optimizing your security team’s ability to defend against today’s increasingly sophisticated targeted attacks.” The report covers a variety

Sony PSN Downed; Hacking Group Claims DDOS Attack
Cyber | Jan. 8, 2016

On Monday, Sony’s PlayStation Network was hacked and taken offline after a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack.  The hacking group Phantom Squad has claimed responsibility through a series of tweets; one which stated “#psn #offline #off for

Has an International Cyber War Begun?
Cyber | Jan. 8, 2016

Two veterans in the cyber realm, John Farley of HUB International Limited and Greg Podolak of Saxe Doernberger & Vita, have recently published a white paper titled The Cyber War & Your Cyber Insurance Policy:

New Vulnerabilities in the Connected World
Cyber | Jan. 8, 2016

While our increasingly connected world is beginning to provide unthinkable opportunities, we must not forget that with it, comes an even greater responsibility. In the past year, we have seen self-driving cars, security

One Million Cybersecurity Job Openings in 2016
Cyber | Jan. 8, 2016

We are all aware that jobs in the IT field are expanding faster than ever. Some even claim that we are preparing our children for jobs that do not yet exist. But one thing is

Assessing and Improving Your Cybersecurity Measures
Cyber | Jan. 8, 2016

This past December, the Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) published two resources addressing cybersecurity threats.  Aimed at small and medium-sized securities dealers, the two papers help IIROC members asses and improve

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