Council Foundation Logo Leaders Edge
What Tax Reform Means for Healthcare
Employer Sponsored Insurance | Nov. 30, 2017

As the Senate inches closer to a floor vote on the Republican tax overhaul bill, it’s still unclear if the votes are there.

When Tax Reform Morphs Into Healthcare Reform
Employer Sponsored Insurance | Nov. 16, 2017

Another busy week for our dynamic government affairs duo, with lots of press given to the Senate GOP’s tax bill, which now includes a repeal of the ACA’s individual mandate.

ACA Deadline Looms
Employer Sponsored Insurance | Sep. 20, 2017

Senate Majority Leader McConnell announced that the Senate will vote next week on Republican Sens. Cassidy and Graham’s repeal and replace legislation.

Healthcare Overhaul Stopped in its Tracks
Employer Sponsored Insurance | Jul. 28, 2017

The Council’s Joel Wood & Joel Kopperud dissect what happened on the Senate floor during this morning’s dramatic end to the Republicans’ healthcare overhaul efforts.

Next Steps on Healthcare Bill
Employer Sponsored Insurance | May. 10, 2017

May 10, 2017 The Senate is starting from scratch on the American Health Care Act. Since the narrow passage of the House repeal bill last week, Senate Majority Leader Mitch

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