On Friday, the IRS extended the due date for certain 2016 ACA information-reporting requirements for insurers, self-insuring employers and certain other providers of minimum essential coverage by issuing Notice 2016-70.
What Our Issues Look Like Under a Trump Administration by The Council’s Government Affairs Team The ACA as we know it will go away but what it will be replaced
The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers applauded yesterday’s defeat of Colorado ballot initiative Amendment 69. With 86 percent of precincts reporting, the amendment was headed toward sound defeat, 79.6 percent to 20.4 percent. The measure, also known as “ColoradoCare,” threatened to completely dissolve employer-provided health benefits and private workers compensation policies in the State of Colorado by creating a state-operated single-payer health regime. It would also have eroded the market for workers’ compensation policies.
The Council’s breakdown of last night’s election results.
The Council’s Joel Kopperud featured on The David Bach Show talking Colorado Amendment 69
This week, The Council is hosting its annual Insurance Leadership Forum in the state of Colorado, and the topic of Amendment 69 on the Colorado ballot has been top of mind. If passed, this amendment would establish a single-payer health insurance system in the state, wiping out private healthcare and workers’ compensation policies.
With the election only 5 weeks away, all eyes are on Colorado and the ballot initiative – Amendment 69 – that would amend Colorado’s Constitution, gut the state’s current healthcare system, and replace it with “ColoradoCare” – an ambiguous framework of a state-run health insurer.
Educating individuals and businesses on what Amendment 69 could mean for cost, quality and access to healthcare was the main point of this podcast with Rob Cohen, chairman and chief executive officer of The IMA Financial Group Inc., in Denver, Colo.
On July 21, the U.S. Department of Justice filed lawsuits challenging the proposed mergers between both Anthem/Cigna, and Aetna/Humana.
The Council of Insurance Agents & Brokers announced today its alignment with Coloradans for Coloradans to oppose Amendment 69 in the State of Colorado. The ballot initiative, also known as ColoradoCare, threatens to completely dissolve employer-provided health benefits in Colorado by creating a state-operated single-payer health regime. It would also erode the market for workers’ compensation policies that could unintentionally erode workplace safety policies. The amendment would be devastating to consumer choice, threatens quality of care and would cost taxpayers $25 billion.