Get the latest on the political environment here in Washington, as well as updates on tax reform, healthcare, flood and more.
September 4, 2018 Single Payer & Public Option Legislation Trackers Since the start of the 115th Congress, several single payer and public option bills have been introduced. Generally, single payer
August 30, 2018 When Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced “Medicare for All,” two starkly different voices emerged on the issue. The Council Perspective: One voice has questioned how Medicare for All
Technical implementation details for the tax bill, why ACA repeal is fading while Single Payer discussion increases, the possibility of an NFIP lapse, and more.
Dave Oberkircher Future Leaders Fund Announced, Single-Payer & Drug Pricing Legislation Trackers, PBMs and what we’re reading
April 25, 2018 One of the fundamental, but not expressly discussed, debates driving our health policy discussions in the United States is this: should the objective be that everyone has
What you need to know from our Company Culture Virtual Workshop, plus details on a vacated DOL rule and an update on Federal affairs in CouncilCast.

Joel Wood, Joel Kopperud and Blaire Bartlett of The Council’s government affairs team, break it all down from their perch in DC.
January 24, 2018 Our legal team at Steptoe & Johnson is tracking Single-Payer/Universal Healthcare bills as they are introduced in legislatures across the country. The latest tracker is updated as
As the Senate inches closer to a floor vote on the Republican tax overhaul bill, it’s still unclear if the votes are there.